
Publications of Cornelia ENÃCHESCU:


Applications of neural networks in the theory of statistical learning, Ed. Sigma, p.103,1999  

 Research Papers

D.Enachescu, C.Pascu*, I.Vaduva (1985) Software for testing drugs in the clinical phases (in romanian), Lucrarile celei de-a VIII-a Consfatuiri de lucru si schimb de experienta a lucratorilor din unitatile de informatica ale M.E.I., Constanta, p.92.07  
D.Enachescu, C.Pascu* (1986)Discrete discriminant analysis with applications to the sanitary services (in romanian) Lucrarile celui de-al IX-lea Simp. de Inform. Medicala, Iasi, p.77-81  
D.Enachescu, C.Pascu* (1986)Software for pharmacokinetics, (in romanian), Lucrarile celui de-al IX-lea Simp. de Inform. Medicala, Iasi, p.290-294  
D.Enachescu, C.Pascu* (1987) Mathematical methods for the design and testing stages of a drug, (in romanian), Lucrarile Sesiunii Stiintifice Jubiliare a C.C.U.B., Buc., p.453-457  
C.Pascu* (1987) Colorimetric Model for blending the color shade, (in romanian), Lucrarile Sesiunii Stiintifice Jubiliare a C.C.U.B., Buc., p.470-475  
C.Pascu* (1992) A Monte Carlo Method for estimating parameters in multicompartment analysis, Analele Univ. Buc., seria inform., XLI, 2, p.76-80  
C.Enachescu (1995) Etude du comportement des reseaux multicouches dans la detection des valeurs aberrantes, Extended Abstract MEDINF'95, 3-5 nov., Buc., p.207-213  
C.Enachescu, D. Enachescu (1996)A Comparative Study on the Performances of some Tests for a Single Outlier in an Exponential Sample, COMPSTAT 1996 Proceedings in Computational Statistics, ed. A. Prat& E.Ripoll, Generalitat de Catalunya, Institut d'Estadistica de Catalunya, "Short Communications and Posters", p.187-189  
C.Enachescu, D. Enachescu (1997) A comparative study on the performances of some tests for a single outlier in an exponential sample, Analele Univ. Buc., seria Inf., XLVI, p.27-33  
C.Enachescu, (1997) Neural networks for Outliers with a General Linear Regression Model, Bull. of the Int.Stat.Inst., Contributed papers, 51 Session 2(LVII), p.593-597  
C.Enachescu, D. Enachescu (1997) Neural Networks in Outliers Tests, Proc. of MMR'97 Bucharest, Part II, p.297-301,  
C.Enachescu, C.Glavce (1998) Anthropometric model for the evaluation of the population health state, (in romanian), Bibliotheca Demographica, 8, p.1-36  
C.Enachescu Mathematical statistical methods applied in scientometrics, (in romanian) Scientometria si politica stiintei, Academia Romana, p.49-51  
C.Enachescu, C.Glavce, C.Valentin, I.Popescu (1998) Assessing the health state of our population by antropological methods, Proc. of "The 11th Congress of the European Anthropological Association", Jena, Germany, p.123-124  
C.Enachescu, C.Glavce, C.Valentin, I.Popescu (1998) Biological Quality in new-born and Social and Economic Change. A case study of Romania from the 50' to the 90', Proc. of the Congress of the German Anthropology, Gottingen, p. 257-258  
C.Glavce, C.Valentin, I.Popescu, C.Enachescu(1998) Relevant Anthropological Observations in Relation to the Health Assessment of our Population, Proc. of "The 21st Century's Challenges to Anthropology", Bucuresti-Sinaia, Romania, p.127-134  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu(1999) Neural Networks for Outliers with a General Linear Regression Model, Analele Univ. Buc., seria inform., XLVIII, 1, p.3-10  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu(1999) An Iterative Algorithm for Learning by Support Vector Machine, Proc. of Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis - Quantitative Methods in Business and Industry Society, Ed. H. Bacelar-Nicolau, E. Costa Nicolau, J. Janssen, Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, Portugal, pp.293-299  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu(1999) An Iterative Algorithm for Learning by Support Vector Machine. The Pattern Recognition Case, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 52nd Session, Contributed Papers, LVIII(1), p.303-304  
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu(1999) Pharmacokinetic parameter estimation with stochastic dynamic models, Abstract Volume of the 20th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Heidelberg, Germany, p.114-115  
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu(2000) Computer aided learning in statistics: Internet and Multimedia- an overview of the actual packages, (in romanian) Lucrarile Conferintei de Informatica Teoretica si Tehnologii Informatice-CITTI'2000, Constanta, p.64-68  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu (2000) Some simple Rules for Interpreting outputs of Principal Components and Correspondence Analysis, Analele Univ. Buc., seria inform., XLIX, 1, p.3-8  
C.Glavce, C.Enachescu, E.Iancu, Al.Rodewald, S.Reinhard, L.Apavaloae (2000) Aspects of the relationship between constitutional typology and endocrine factors in a sample of young women (20-25 years old), HOMO, vol.5-Suppl., 2000, p.S33-34  
Iancu E., C.Glavce, C.Enachescu, Al.Rodewald, S.Reinhard (2000) Relationship between endocrine and biochimical factors in a sample of young women (20-25 years old), HOMO, vol.5-Suppl., 2000, p.S54-55  
C.Glavce, C.Enachescu, C.Valentin, I. Popescu (2000) Biological quality of newborns in correlation with social and economic changes. A case study of Romania from 1950 to 1990, Proc. 3 Kongress der Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie (GFA), Gottingen, den 1-3 Oktober 1998, Cuvillier Verlag Gottingen, p.400-403  
C.Glavce, C.Enachescu, C.Valentin, I. Popescu (2000) Assesing the biological risk at birth by anthropological methods, Proc. of Romanian Academy, series B: Chemistry, Life Sciences and Geosciences,2(2000), p.49-53  
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu, (2000) Factors of Risk for Social Dissociation in Territorial Level in Romania, Proc. of " 22nd Conference on Regional and Urban Statistics and Research, SCORUS'2000", Shenzhen, China, 7-10 noiembrie 2000, p.216-222  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu (2000) Estimation of Pr(Y, Proc. in Computational Statistics, COMPSTAT'2000, Short Communications and Posters, eds. W.Jansen&J.G. Bethehem, Statistics Nederlands, Utrecht, Olanda, 19-28 august 2000, p.181-183  
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu, (2000) principal Components Analysis. Application to the Study of Risk-Factors for Social Dissociation on Regional Level in Romania, International Data Analysis Conference IDA'2000, Innsbruck, Austria, 18-22 septembrie 2000, p.79-80  
C.Glavce, C.Enachescu, L.Apavaloae, D.Chirica (2001) L'evaluation de la croissance foetale et du nouveau-ne par le s methodes anthropologiques, Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie, 37, p.19-27, Bucarest, Ed. Acad. Rom. 2001  
C.Enachescu, T.Postelnicu (2002) Patterns in "SCI Journal Citations Reports " revealed by exploratory multivariate Analysis. Abstracts of the 5th Conference of the Romanian Society for Probability and Statistics (SPSR), Bucharest, February 22-23, 2002, Abs. Nr.19, in  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu (2002) Estimating a boundary in a presence of observation error, Abstracts of the 5th Conference of the Romanian Society for Probability and Statistics (SPSR), Bucharest, February 22-23, 2002, Abs. Nr.20, in  
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu, (2002) Comparision Techniques in Reliability Modelling, Proc. of the MMR'2002, June 17-20, 2002, Trondheim, Norway, NTNU, p.231-234  
C.Enachescu (2002) Model comparision and the Occam's razor, Proc. The XXIth International Biometric Conference IBC'2002, Freiburg, 21-26 iulie, 2002, p.111  
C.Enachescu (2002) Estimating a boundary in a presence of observation error Proc. The XVth Conference COMPSTAT 2002, Berlin, 24-28 august 2002, CD/ISBN 3-00-009819-4 p.49  
C.Enachescu (2002) Boundary estimation from noisy data using neural networks, Proc. "Sixieme Colloque Franco-Roumaine de Mathematiques Appliquees", Perpignan, 2-6 septembrie 2002, p.113  
C.Enachescu (2002) Model comparision and the Occam's razor. Application in biostatistics, Proc."23rd Annual Conference The International Society for Clinical Biostatistics ISCB'2002, Dijon, 09-13 septembrie 2002, p.178"  
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu, (2002) Principal Components Analysis. Application to the Study of Risk-Factors for Social Dissociation on Territorial Level in Romania, Austrian Journalof Statistics, 31(2&3), p.123-130,  
C.Enachescu, D.Enachescu (2002) Estimation of Pr(Y
D.Enachescu, C.Enachescu, (2002) Change-Point Models of Reliability and the Occam's Razor, Math. Reports, 4 (54), p.63-70  
C.Enachescu, T.Postelnicu (2003) Patterns in journal citation data revealed by exploratory multivariate analysis, Scientometrics 56(1), 2003, p.43-49  
