C.V. Name: Voicu Radu BOSCAIU
Address: "Gheorghe Mihoc –Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Casa Academiei Romane, Calea 13 Septembrie nr. 13, RO-76100, Bucharest 5, Romania.
Date and Place of Birth: January, 25, 1950, Arad
Marital Status: Married, two sons.
- 1969 - Graduated from College;
- 1973 - M.A. (Mathematics), Bucharest University the thesis "Scheduling and Sequencing Problems";
- 1991 - Ph.D. in Mathematics, Bucharest University, Thesis: “Classification and Pattern Recognition Models”
Brief Chronology of Employment:
- 1974-1978: Center of Cybernetics in Constructions, Bucharest, researcher
- 1978-present: Romanian Academy, "Gheorghe Mihoc –Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, former Center of Mathematical Statistics "Gheorghe Mihoc" (ISMMA), researcher.
- 2002-2004 (part time): "IRSOP Market Research & Consulting Ltd", a market and opinion research agency, sampling and data analysis project manager.
- 2007-2009 (part time): National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Bucharest (INCDSB), researcher.
A member of:
- SRSP The Society for Probability and Statistics of Romania
- SRIM The Romanian Society of Medical Informatics.
- Romanian Society of Statistics
Scientific activity:
- 1969: Second prize to the International Mathematical Olympiad of Secondary School Students;
- 1974: Degree in mathematics with the thesis "Scheduling and Sequencing Problems";
- 1974-1978, COCC: Activity: computer programming, scheduling and
sequencing, industrial administration -supported by the Ministry of Industrial Constructions, Romania;
- 1978-present, ISMMA: Research activity in statistics, biostatistics, bioinformatics, econometrics and data analysis (non-mutually exclusive and non-exhaustive Bayes classification, discrimination, theoretical aspects of pattern recognition, vegetal associations, statistical aspects of medical diagnosis, anthropology, sampling survey, productivity and efficiency, empirical analysis of economic data, quality control, microarrays );
- 1991: The Ph.D. thesis "Classification and Pattern Recognition Models" studies: a) some infinite-dimensional linear programs as a unified approach on a wide class of statistical decision problems; b) confidence intervals for the classification risk functions, taking into account empirical risk and the decision functions family;
- 2002-2004, IRSOP: design of stratified cluster samples for different national surveys, sampling survey data analysis, marketing data analysis;
- 2007-2009, INCDSB: Bioinformastics and Statistical Modeling for Biosciences (descriptive and decisional data analysis, data mining, sampling, microarrays data analysis, biomedical data analysis, etc).
Teaching activity:
Lectures and seminars as associate professor:
- Biostatistics ("Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, lectures and seminars, 1992-1996);
- Statistics (The Mathematics Faculty, Bucharest University, lectures and seminars, 1996);
- Sampling survey theory and data analysis (The Mathematics Faculty, Bucharest University, lectures, 1997-1999);
- Statistics and computer sciences in education sciences (The Psychology and Education Sciences Faculty of the Bucharest University, lectures and seminars, 1996-2002).
- Statistics in education (The Psychology and Education Sciences Faculty, Bucharest University, lectures and seminars, 1997-2004);
- Computer applications for education sciences (The Psychology and Education Sciences Faculty, Bucharest University, lectures and seminars, 1997-2004);
- Biomathematics (The Biology Faculty, Pitesti University, lectures and seminars, 2004);
- Fiatest ( teaching activities in statistics, biostatistics, quality control and Six Sigma, 2000-2002).
- 1999-2000: project co-manager (together with prof Costea Munteanu,ASE) of research project "Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Romania: The Impact on Productivity and Income Distribution", granted by CEROPE, The Romanian Center for Economic Policies, Bucharest;
- 2001: project manager of research project "Foreign Direct Investment and Competitiveness in the Perspective of Romania's Integration into the European Union", granted by CEROPE, The Romanian Center for Economic Policies, Bucharest;
- 2004-2006: responsible for ISMMA of research project "Capability analysis for complex processes control", granted by CALIST, a program of The Education and Research Ministry of Romania, MEC;
- 2005-2008: responsible for ISMMA of research project: "Evaluarea gradului de poluare acvatica prin biomarkeri de apoptoza si biosenzori celulari in vederea biomonitorizarii Bazinului Dunarii si aprecierii calitatii produsului alimentar de origine piscicola" , granted by a CEEX program of MEC;
- 2007-2010: responsible for ISMMA of research project: "Modeling and evaluating of national and international direct investment impact on labor market and macroeconomic evolution in Romania", granted by a PN2 program of MEC.