C.V. Name: Cornelia ENÃCHESCU
Address: Institute for Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr.13, RO-76100, Bucharest, sector 5, Romania,; phone:+40-21-411 49 00
Date and Place of Birth: August 28, 1952; Piatra-Neamt, Romania
Marital Status: Married
- June 1971-Graduated from College;
- July 1976-M.S. (Mathematics), Bucharest University;
- April 28, 1998-Ph.D. (Probability and Statistics), Centre for Mathematical Statistics, Bucharest, Thesis: Statistical Methods for Neural Networks
Brief Chronology of Employment:
- Senior Programmer, Centre for Informatics of Industrial Group for Drugs and Cosmetics, Bucharest (1976-1996);
- Senior Research Worker, Centre for Mathematical Statistics (Romanian Academy) since 1996 till now;
A member of: International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), International Biometric Society (IBS), International Society of Scientometry (ISS), Association of Balkan Statisticians (ABS), International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), The Anthropologist Group of French Language (GALF), Romanian Society for Probabilities and Statistics (SPSR), Romanian Society of Neural Networks (RSNN)
Short visits (2 up 3 weeks) abroad under the exchange agreements of the Romanian Academy and:
- the CNRS in France, University of Paris VI (1997) and University Paul Sabatier III, Toulouse (2002)
- the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Statistical Institute of Chalmers University of Thechnology, Gothenburg, Sweden (1999)
Lectures delivered at the universities of: Naples, Italy (1998), Gothenburg, Sweden (1999), Padua, Italy (2002), and Toulouse, France (2002)
Visiting Proffessorships:
- Universities of Naples, Department of Statistics, Italy (1998)
- Gothenburg, Sweden (1999)
- Padua, Department of Statistics, Italy (2002)
- Toulouse, Department of Probability and Statistics, France (2002)
Editorial activities:
- regional editor for Statistical Theory & Methods Abstracts (STMA), published by the International Statistical Institute (since 2002)
Other activities:
- 11 research grants
- projects manager for 32 research projects in the field of software tools for mathematical applications in informatics, pharmacy and medicine;
- 12 different courses and seminaries delivered at the universities of Bucharest and Constanta;
- National Secretary of Biometric Romanian Group, Biometric Bulletin Correspondent;
- National Secretary of Romanian Group for Clinical Biostatics.