
Name: Cornelia ENÃCHESCU

Address: Institute for Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Calea 13 Septembrie, nr.13, RO-76100, Bucharest, sector 5, Romania,; phone:+40-21-411 49 00

Date and Place of Birth: August 28, 1952; Piatra-Neamt, Romania

Marital Status: Married


Brief Chronology of Employment:

A member of: International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), International Biometric Society (IBS), International Society of Scientometry (ISS), Association of Balkan Statisticians (ABS), International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB), The Anthropologist Group of French Language (GALF), Romanian Society for Probabilities and Statistics (SPSR), Romanian Society of Neural Networks (RSNN)

Short visits (2 up 3 weeks) abroad under the exchange agreements of the Romanian Academy and:

Lectures delivered at the universities of: Naples, Italy (1998), Gothenburg, Sweden (1999), Padua, Italy (2002), and Toulouse, France (2002)

Visiting Proffessorships:

Editorial activities:

Other activities:
